Good morning everybody.

Here's this weeks mobilty.

If you're new to Morning Mobility, it's a weekly series consisting of short(around 10 minutes), sequences of simple but potent moves for you to do daily for a week, and will help you wake up your important, but often overlooked or misunderstood mind muscle connection to move better and feel better no matter what else you do.

It sounds a little woo woo, but it's actually pretty straight forward–access to, or improvements in your strength, flexibility, mobility, power, and muscle size have a neurological side. Your brain sends and receives signals to and from your muscles to move them, grow them, or even restrict them from moving, which can lead to losing them—and the older we get, the faster it happens—but we can do something about it.

We're just making sure you're sending the signals you need to keep those pathways open and active if, like us, you want or need your body to be ready move, take impact, make more efficient use of your bodies strength and power, and increase your range of motion and quality of movement.

So, if you're prone to the random excursion, hike, or skate and ride ramps like us, or do some other type of action sport, you want to get a little more from your workouts, or you just want to move better and feel better Morning Mobility will help you do that.

We call it morning mobility because we do these in the morning as soon as we get out of bed, it's a nice way to start the morning and improves the way we feel and move through the day regardless of what we end up doing.




Mon coeur